Grow Right Digital

Growing Careers Companies and Communities

The Secret Formula for Crafting Winning Cover Letters in the Tech Industry

Crafting a winning cover letter can be a challenging task, especially in the tech industry where competition for jobs is fierce. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can create a cover letter that stands out from the crowd and gets you noticed by hiring managers. The first step

Featured Article

Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reduce bias in recruitment by automating certain tasks and decision-making processes that may be subject to human biases. For example, AI can be used to screen resumes, identify candidates for interview, and even evaluate candidates during the interview process. By relying on data

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AIIA lunch with Grow Right team

Today the Grow Right team and some of our favourite people attended the AIIA lunch with an insightful and entertaining presentation by Australian Signals Directorate’s Ben Staughton. It was also great to see Timothy McKay and the team at OK RDY take on a leadership role at the event. While

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AI-empowered solutions for job seekers

Congratulations to our 2023 Techlauncher team for their excellent work this semester in building an ai-empowered solution which makes personalised recommendations to job seekers. A great solution, with excellent implementation by the team. Well done Xiaoxing Kong, Kiera Wu, Zixin Su, Jizhou Ren, Yi Lin, Mengfan Yan, and Dingyong Liu.

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AI and Machine learning in job screening

The use of AI and machine learning to improve job candidate screening results while also removing recruitment bias sets our solution apart from other recruitment software solutions. While traditional recruitment software solutions may help recruiters manage job postings and applications, they do not typically address the issue of recruitment bias.

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2022 – the Year of Partnerships for Grow Right Digital

2022 was a big year for Grow Right Digital, with the team laying down the foundations on which we plan to build an incredibly successful 2023. If there was a theme for 2022, it was partnerships. And the biggest partnership for Grow Right Digital was with Charles Gretton and the

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Exciting News! Grow Right Digital: Revolutionizing Recruitment with AI and Diversity

Are you tired of biased recruitment processes? Look no further! Grow Right Digital, a cutting-edge Canberra-based tech startup, is here to change the game in the recruitment industry. Our mission: Reducing bias and promoting diversity! 🌈 Our AI-enhanced recruitment solutions enable consultants to swiftly and impartially generate quality candidate shortlists.

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#ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase

The Grow Right team was proud to support our #ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase. Our team took a vague concept and a hope and turned it into something truly special and we were very happy to celebrate their success with them. The entire event was huge, with lots

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Training Machine Learning on resume screening

Machine learning models can be trained on large datasets of resumes and job descriptions, which can help to reduce the potential for explicit bias in the screening process. However, it’s important to note that the data used to train the model may itself contain implicit biases. If the data used

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Latest Article

Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reduce bias in recruitment by automating certain tasks and decision-making processes that may be subject to human biases. For example, AI can be used to screen resumes, identify candidates for interview, and even evaluate candidates during the interview process. By relying on data

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AIIA lunch with Grow Right team

Today the Grow Right team and some of our favourite people attended the AIIA lunch with an insightful and entertaining presentation by Australian Signals Directorate’s Ben Staughton. It was also great to see Timothy McKay and the team at OK RDY take on a leadership role at the event. While

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AI-empowered solutions for job seekers

Congratulations to our 2023 Techlauncher team for their excellent work this semester in building an ai-empowered solution which makes personalised recommendations to job seekers. A great solution, with excellent implementation by the team. Well done Xiaoxing Kong, Kiera Wu, Zixin Su, Jizhou Ren, Yi Lin, Mengfan Yan, and Dingyong Liu.

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AI and Machine learning in job screening

The use of AI and machine learning to improve job candidate screening results while also removing recruitment bias sets our solution apart from other recruitment software solutions. While traditional recruitment software solutions may help recruiters manage job postings and applications, they do not typically address the issue of recruitment bias.

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2022 – the Year of Partnerships for Grow Right Digital

2022 was a big year for Grow Right Digital, with the team laying down the foundations on which we plan to build an incredibly successful 2023. If there was a theme for 2022, it was partnerships. And the biggest partnership for Grow Right Digital was with Charles Gretton and the

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Exciting News! Grow Right Digital: Revolutionizing Recruitment with AI and Diversity

Are you tired of biased recruitment processes? Look no further! Grow Right Digital, a cutting-edge Canberra-based tech startup, is here to change the game in the recruitment industry. Our mission: Reducing bias and promoting diversity! 🌈 Our AI-enhanced recruitment solutions enable consultants to swiftly and impartially generate quality candidate shortlists.

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#ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase

The Grow Right team was proud to support our #ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase. Our team took a vague concept and a hope and turned it into something truly special and we were very happy to celebrate their success with them. The entire event was huge, with lots

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Training Machine Learning on resume screening

Machine learning models can be trained on large datasets of resumes and job descriptions, which can help to reduce the potential for explicit bias in the screening process. However, it’s important to note that the data used to train the model may itself contain implicit biases. If the data used

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Latest Article

Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reduce bias in recruitment by automating certain tasks and decision-making processes that may be subject to human biases. For example, AI can be used to screen resumes, identify candidates for interview, and even evaluate candidates during the interview process. By relying on data

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AIIA lunch with Grow Right team

Today the Grow Right team and some of our favourite people attended the AIIA lunch with an insightful and entertaining presentation by Australian Signals Directorate’s Ben Staughton. It was also great to see Timothy McKay and the team at OK RDY take on a leadership role at the event. While

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AI-empowered solutions for job seekers

Congratulations to our 2023 Techlauncher team for their excellent work this semester in building an ai-empowered solution which makes personalised recommendations to job seekers. A great solution, with excellent implementation by the team. Well done Xiaoxing Kong, Kiera Wu, Zixin Su, Jizhou Ren, Yi Lin, Mengfan Yan, and Dingyong Liu.

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AI and Machine learning in job screening

The use of AI and machine learning to improve job candidate screening results while also removing recruitment bias sets our solution apart from other recruitment software solutions. While traditional recruitment software solutions may help recruiters manage job postings and applications, they do not typically address the issue of recruitment bias.

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2022 – the Year of Partnerships for Grow Right Digital

2022 was a big year for Grow Right Digital, with the team laying down the foundations on which we plan to build an incredibly successful 2023. If there was a theme for 2022, it was partnerships. And the biggest partnership for Grow Right Digital was with Charles Gretton and the

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Exciting News! Grow Right Digital: Revolutionizing Recruitment with AI and Diversity

Are you tired of biased recruitment processes? Look no further! Grow Right Digital, a cutting-edge Canberra-based tech startup, is here to change the game in the recruitment industry. Our mission: Reducing bias and promoting diversity! 🌈 Our AI-enhanced recruitment solutions enable consultants to swiftly and impartially generate quality candidate shortlists.

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#ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase

The Grow Right team was proud to support our #ANUTechLauncher team at the ANU Computing Showcase. Our team took a vague concept and a hope and turned it into something truly special and we were very happy to celebrate their success with them. The entire event was huge, with lots

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Training Machine Learning on resume screening

Machine learning models can be trained on large datasets of resumes and job descriptions, which can help to reduce the potential for explicit bias in the screening process. However, it’s important to note that the data used to train the model may itself contain implicit biases. If the data used

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Tech Recruitment

The Imperative of Diversity in Tech Recruitment: An Australian Perspective

Introduction Australia’s technology sector is burgeoning, but as we experience this growth, it’s essential to ask, “Who is building the future?” Diversity in the workplace has been a point of discussion globally, but let’s zoom into Australia’s tech scene. According to a report from the ACS (Australian Computer Society), women make up only 29% of the tech workforce, while Indigenous

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The Future of Recruitment: Harnessing the Power of AI and Machine Learning

Dear Readers, An exploration into the future of recruitment is warranted, with a key emphasis being placed on the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). At Grow Right Digital, a deep dive has been taken into how these disruptive technologies stand to revolutionize the recruitment sector. Undeniably, a sea change is being driven in recruitment by

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The Future of Recruitment: AI and Machine Learning – An Exploration into the Future of Recruitment 8-17

Recruitment, the lifeblood of any thriving organisation, has been undergoing a quiet revolution. In this exploration, the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in shaping the future of recruitment is examined. The impact of these technologies on efficiency, speed, and quality is more than just incremental; it’s game-changing. 1. Efficiency in Recruitment Processes AI and machine learning

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The Future of Recruitment: AI and Machine Learning – An Exploration into the Future of Recruitment

Recruitment, the lifeblood of any thriving organisation, has been undergoing a quiet revolution. In this exploration, the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in shaping the future of recruitment is examined. The impact of these technologies on efficiency, speed, and quality is more than just incremental; it’s game-changing. 1. Efficiency in Recruitment Processes AI and machine learning

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Insights from Breaking the Mould – Tackling Australia’s Talent Shortage

Grow Right’s Philip Barnes recently had the opportunity to fly up to Sydney and attend the “Breaking the Mould – Tackling Australia’s Talent Shortage” event in Sydney, hosted by Recruitment Entrepreneur Australia at the wonderful JobAdder offices. The event featured three insightful speakers who shared valuable insights in their concise presentations. Here’s a summary of our key takeaways: JobAdder –

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Grow Right in the WIC Women in ICT Annual Dinner Debate

Friday night the Grow Right team attended the WIC Women in ICT Annual Dinner Debate. It was an absolutely privilege to be able be part of something so uplifting and inspiring. Congratulations to the all the winners and nominees for the awards. I was particularly impressed with the Kate Muir Student Encouragement Award and Raw Magic winners and nominees who

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